Monday, December 17, 2012

Gunna wash that Bob right outta my hair

I don't think anyone ever expects to be greeted by the little square yellow figure, but alas, CMH and I have been graced by his presence.  I don't know whether it was mom or dad because they both used our bathroom while they were up here, but one of them put him in our shower where he rested in suspense for the next morning to approach.  CMH found him as he was grabbing the shampoo bottle to lather up.  Such horror having one of the greatest private rituals of the day be intruded by a peeping "Bob".

So we have Spongebob for the time being, but it won't last.  For all of those headed to Grandma's in the near future, beware....

Merry Christmas from the three of us... ;-)

Pistachio and Maraschino Bob

So, I (CW) like to try new taste sensations.  Especially if they are sweet and gooey and taste good.  AWM is a great cook and always trying out new dessert recipes.  She posted a picture on Facebook of a Pistachio Bundt Cake that looked awesome.  When I saw the picture, I thought.  "Yummm, I'd like to try that." 

She must have read my mind, because a day or so later, when I came home from shopping there was a reasonable sized (AWM knows I don't like to sabotage my weight management program....such as it is....or isn't, on any given day) slice of cake sitting on a plate on my kitchen counter.  When I looked at it I noticed there were maraschino cherries in it.

I have loved maraschino cherries since I was about 4 when my dad bought me my first banana split and it had one on top of each of the three scoops of ice cream.  They were nesting perfectly in a swirl of snowy white whipped cream, and they even had the stems sticking out.  (That's was a veritable taste sensation for a 4 year old. However, I think my dad bought it for me, knowing full well that no 4 year old tummy can accommodate THAT much ice cream and 3 different toppings, whipped cream, nuts, AND 3 bright red maraschino cherries.  He willingly took care of the larger portion.  And back in those days, a Dairy Queen Banana Split was HUGE.)
Anyway, back to the Pistachio Cake.

Since there was only one piece, and EW AND GJW would be coming home from school soon, and I was kinda excited to try Pistachio and Maraschino looked quite Christmasy even.....I didn't waste any time getting a fork from the drawer.  This was my cake and I was going to savor every bite.

So, I picked up the little plate, held it up near my chin so as not to lose even a single crumb, and gently slid my fork in to ease off a bite size piece.  Pulling the bite away from the rest of the piece of cake..............WHAT THE HECK??????

THAT'S NOT MARASCHINO CHERRY!!!!!!! IT'S.....IT'S Skateboard wheels!!!!!
I'll give you one guess WHO?....not what is was.   
MAJOR disappointment.  No cherries.......but the cake was delicious anyway.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Messing with your mind

I guess I got some 'splaning to do.
I have this thing where I like to mess with people's minds.

Don't believe me? Remember the whole Tiger episode from July?

All me.

Remember the Peach Days entry from September, when AWM thought she pawned him off of me?

All me.

Remember that time when AWM thought she was free of him for a few months? Then she found him, the same place as the month before?

All me.

I've warned you...

Winter Coat Blues

Guess what I found in my inside pocket of my winter coat!!!

Are ya guessing???

Are ya???


I can't hear you guessing!!!!

Did you guess a $20????

Well if you did....

you were wrong.

It was....



Same pocket as before. Similar situation with me standing and wearing the coat for quite some time and not even noticing until a lot later.....and feeling weird about it because, quite frankly...I don't know how he got there.

Last I knew he was at JTW2 and LSW's house....

Somebody's got some 'splaning to do....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Shoe in...

Written by LSW

LRW likes to play with the shoes at our front door and more often than not, there’s always a big mess afterwards.  We had invited everyone over to our house to celebrate JTW3’s birthday (now 6).  We love having everyone over and of course the children look forward to it as well.  We never think SpongeBob will come to us when we’re with everyone because we’re so involved with being together but Bob seems to have other ideas.

So, LRW was playing with the shoes the following day as we were getting JTW3 ready to go to school and she found him in/under our shoe rack.  JTW3 was pretty excited because he now understands what it means to be sponged. LEW made the comment that she knew about it but that CWJ had told her that she was not to say anything.  Hmmm… not sure I believe that but oh well.  We’ve been sponged and the saga continues!

It was a dark and rainy night....:)

 Written by CWJ

So we were hit again! It was Thanksgiving evening. We were preparing to leave CW and JTW's home. We put TWJ in his jacket and were just about to place him in his car seat when we spotted the little yellow figure sitting pretty in TWJs spot. We dropped him in the diaper bag where he remained, reminding us of his presence every time we opened the bag. However no real opportunity arose to pass the little creepy toy on, until the invitation to celebrate a special day was presented. Spongebob has been passed on. ;)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Completely Unaware


I have found that due to the connection between Mr. Sponge and myself I doubt the possibility that he will be discovered by myself. I suspect so many others within this game before I even entertain the idea that I will be the next to grace his presence.

My husband and myself went out for dinner, along with other members of our family. We laughed, and talked and ate good food throughout the night. Winter is coming and oftentimes I have to create reasons to escape and enjoy the outside world at times. I had been wearing my big winter coat a few times off and on since the cold weather had arrived but I had not taken the time to check my pockets. It has become almost a sense of tradition for myself to explore the contents of my winter pockets every year when I ''find'' my coat again. Once I found a $20 in my pocket. The winter after we were married, I found some mints in my pocket, some that I had put there when we were on our honeymoon in snowy Island Park the spring before.

This year, I found Spongebob. I know he wasn't there all summer long... someone was sneaky.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Written by GJW

Well yeah, I got sponged.
Whenever we do plays at the high school, we have some gracious and amazing parent volunteers. They help with the costumes, the dinners for late performances, and gifts for the cast. Opening night we got nifty little Rice Crispy treats in cloth bags. Closing night, we got these jars with handles that had two little cupcakes in them. (I should have taken a picture, but the cupcakes looked sooooo good...And they were...)
I'd been expecting spongebob. When you have an event that big in our family, he's bound to show up.
Just think about it...
Weddings, vacations, Camping Trips, Parades, at all of them he shows up.
Opening night: Nothing
Saturday: Nothing
Monday: Nothing
Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Nothing (by now I was a little freaked out that he was lost during the trade)
Friday: Nothing (Now I was really freaked out)
Well it got to be closing night on Saturday. I checked my costume basket, he wasn't in there. We did our pre-show routine, went on stage and performed a great show that night. He never showed up.
After the show I walk out with my costume basket. I greet the family, give them my stuff (we had a social afterwards) and told EW to be careful with the glass cup because it was extremely...

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Kick off your Sunday Shoes"

Written by CWJ

CWJ, KWJ, and TWJ were rushing to get out of the house.
They were late to leave for Footloose and still needed to drop off TWJ
 with AWM before they could head for the high school. CWJ picked up TWJ's
car seat and glanced around to make sure they had all they needed when her
glance rested on the little yellow figure. Sitting there on the china hutch
in front of the small statue of a couple dancing. Like he was trying to fit
himself into the small family on the shelf. Realizing he must have been there
for over a week CWJ pointed the little figure out to KWJ.
"We've been Sponged," he exclaimed.
CWJ swiped Spongebob and stuffed him in her pocket then quickly rushed
out the door. Before CWJ, KWJ, and TWJ got home that night Spongebob had already
found a "SWEET" new spot.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What Really Happened....

From RWH

So I've been busy and haven't really been keeping up with all the Spongebob stuff.  I read the post today and noticed that CW posted something regarding finding him trying peeking out of the top pocket of the key holder mounted on the wall.  Knowing EW was the last one known to have it, she totally assumed it was placed there by her.  Truth is, EW got me... 
When we came down for TWJ's baby blessing, I misplaced my ring and was frantically looking through my duffel bag trying to find it.  In the process I found Spongebob.  Sweet! I'm glad we are still included in this game. But we had to get rid of him fast so that he could stay in motion instead of making another trip to Rexburg.  He ended up spending most of the weekend in my pocket as I waited for an opportune moment to place the yellow character.  It ended up in the key holder as we were walking out the door; he just looked like the perfect little creep barely peeking over the edge. And it would be unsuspectedly able to get anyone who uses keys.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Staying afloat.

From CW
JTW told me about his “Messed up routine”…..but left out the part about being “Bobbed”. I had no idea he even had him. In the past he has not been enthusiastic about participating in this “Game”.
During the summer when the weather was hot, I got into the habit of always having a couple bottles of water chilling in the refrigerator. It makes them easy to grab on my way out the door if I need to run errands. And I always take one with me to put on my nightstand at night. Often I get an irritating tickle in my throat that wakes me up. Having a water bottle right there is sooo convenient.
On Halloween night, I had to take GJW to a party. When I returned, JTW2 and his family were there to show off the little people’s costumes and get some treats. When they left I went to the refrigerator to get my water bottle before heading off to begin my bedtime routine. I didn’t really look at it, and by the way I grabbed the bottle, I didn’t feel anything unusual. I was talking and looking at JTW as I took off the lid and raised it to my mouth. Waughhhhh! There he was……IN MY FACE….taped to the side of my bottle.
JTW thought he was pretty clever. I accused JTW2 and his family of doing the deed, but he just laughed and said, “It was me. I had him. Pretty good, huh?”
I think maybe someone might be getting into the spirit of things.

Messed up my routine

From JTW
When I arrive each morning at the Ogden Train Station, the Frontrunner is normally parked on the west side (far side) of the landing. It is part of my morning routine to walk up the ramp onto the landing and go into the northern most car by turning left through the sliding doors. This morning the train was parked on the east side (near side) of the landing. That required me to walk around the train, go up the ramp and enter the train by turning right. Messed up my routine.

As I crossed the tracks, there were two train hosts standing there. I went over to them and, pointing to the train, said, "Can you do something about this?" They were dumbfounded and asked me “What?”. I said, "The train is on the wrong side! It messes up my routine!" They both agreed. It had messed up their routine, too.

I normally sit on the upper deck, in the first set of benches that has a table. I can pull out my pillow and lay my head on the table and take a nap. I like the first table because there is a mechanical chase under the bench that serves as a foot rest. As I went up the stairs, there was a young woman sitting in “my space”. Messed up my routine.
JTW2 rides the Frontrunner with me every day. We sit together in at the same table. From Ogden to Salt Lake, takes about 50 minutes. I pull out my little pillow, lean forward on the table and take a nap. I take off my glasses, plug in my earphones, turn on some nice sleeping music and drape my jacket across my shoulders. That is my routine. JTW2 usually has to wake me up when we approach the train station. I have to scramble to turn off the music and re-pack everything in my backpack. When I went to grab my glass, Sponge Bob Square Pants was sitting on my glasses, messing with my routine.
Today is going to be one of those kinds of days….

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A New Generation

We got Sponged!
I (LSW) will admit that I was afraid we weren’t going to be included because of our last sponging fiasco but I guess we’re still loved!
It all happened when CW dropped  by somewhat unexpectedly to drop off some lovely produce.  She then asked for a drink in the kitchen which I thought was kind of odd but when she explained she had been out all morning I chalked it up to that.  Nothing came of it until….
JTW (#3) is responsible for setting the table on certain days of the week and it just so happened that it was his day.  He is an awesome helper and does his jobs with enthusiasm (most of the time) and without much supervision.  So, in order to set the table one has to have plates, cups, and silverware right?  It just so happens that in our house everything is in the same general area making it easy to get everything at the same time.  JTW (#3) pulled out a stool to reach the cupboard and as he was pulling out plates, started laughing and saying “Mom, what is this?!”  I turned to him and found him holding—you guessed it—SpongeBob!  Now JTW (#3) hasn’t had any real exposure to him previously and we don’t care for the cartoon either so I had to explain to him a little what it was and what it represented in such a way that a young child can understand.  This is what I told him:
“That is SpongeBob.  And Grandmom must have slipped him in the cupboard when she came by earlier today. (I know we aren’t supposed to tell but it was necessary for him to understand)  It all started a while ago but now it’s just a fun thing that the family does to show someone that they are loved and that someone is thinking about them.”
He seemed to buy this but then asked, “So, if I love someone and I want them to know, I give them a SpongeBob instead of a hug?”  Now you can see where I failed in thougroughly explaining.  So, I began by again explaining that it was just a family thing and sometimes you just can’t give a hug all the time so it’s a nice reminder even when that person is not there that you are still loved. (I really hope this explanation is ok with all of you).  The light bulb went on and he got the concept.
He then decided that he wanted to hide it for JTW (#2) to find when he got home from work.
More to come!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trying to Hitchhike

I knew EW had Spongebob. I suspected she would pass it on to one of her local siblings. We have a new key holder mounted on the wall near the back door. At the top there is a slot for coupons and gift cards. I don’t know how long he had been there, but one day as I went to grab the keys, my eyes wandered upward and there, barely peeking out, with only his eyes and hat visible ……you guessed it….Spongebob.
Tired of him lurking around my house…..I decided he was going somewhere else for awhile.

Missing Link

Spongebob was discovered by EW.

She's super busy, so when she has the time I'll replace this post with the story. :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Journey's of a Bob Man

From CW
After a Friday evening in SLC with AWM and WTM, Spongebob showed up on the seat of the JTW's Grand Prix.  JTW nearly sat on him, but didn't notice.  JTW had earlier removed his tie and left it on the console.  CW slipped Spongebob into the folded tie.  Upon arriving home, JTW exited the car, but left his tie behnd.  Saturday came and went, and even with a trip to the store, the tie remained in the car.  Sunday morning when JTW got into the car to go to church, he already had a different tie he left the one on the console undisturbed.  Pulling into the garage after church, CW reminded JTW to take his tie into the house.  Picking it up.........Spongebob flew into the catch all.  JTW rolled his eyes.  He's just so "not into" this game.  CW informed him that he needed to be creative and pass it on.
Monday Sept. 17th was Constitution Day and GJW had to dress up for a choir performance at school.  On the way to school he realized he needed his tennis shoes for dance practice after school and CW agreed to meet him in the parking lot at 2:35.  JTW had stayed home from work that day.  Just before time to go to the school, a guest arrived.  While CW was visiting with the guest, JTW took GJW's tennis shoes to the car, then encouraged CW to head for the school so as to not be late.  That was a rather odd behavior for JTW, but CW dismissed it as a simple act of courtesy.
GJW  hurried to the car after school.  He had to get back to the auditorium "fast" for play rehearsal.  He threw his back pack into the car.  Kicked off his dress shoes and chucked them in as well, grabbed one tennis shoe and attempted to quickly shove his foot into it when he exclaimed,  "What's in there......?  Pulling his foot back out and tipping his shoe, out fell Bob.  GJW tossed him in the pocket of his backpack where he spent the remainder of the week.
GJW doesn't have him anymore.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peach Days

We were so excited for Peach Days again this year.


We were so excited for the Peach Days Car Show.

That's the only part I like.

And the Peaches. :)

I got SPONGED again.

I thought that GJW had him and was going to pass him on to someone else, well he did, to ELM.

I found Spongebob under ELM in her carseat.

Spongebob became a little more cultured this weekend as we saw many a beautiful old of my favorite things.

I have the Sponge. So beware-----


So my littlest brother GJW came over to our house on Saturday. He's a coin collector and he was looking through some coins that we have at our house to see if we have any of the coins that he doesn't have.

I grabbed the Sponge and slipped him into the little box that he was holding all of his coins in. PERFECT FIT!!! wait. Hoping that he wouldn't open the box again until he got home to show mom and dad then BAM---

Took him home.


Took him inside.


Opened the box.




We were camping.

I love camping with my family. Even though it RAINS every time. You think that I'm stretching a little bit to say that it happens "every time" but in all reality....I think it rains EVERY time. Or snows. I think we should change our last name from W_____ to Rainmakers, and go with my dad's idea to sell our services to others. You have a drought? We will bring the Rain. Call the Rainmakers, 1-800-mak-rain.

Ok. Maybe not.

I knew that Spongebob would show up sometime during the weekend. I kept waiting for him to be in the breakfast stuff, or inside a cooler, or hitchhiking when we went on little walks.

The weekend was almost over and I hadn't heard from anyone that Sponge had been discovered. Sometimes we make a big deal about it and everyone knows that he has been discovered again, but other times we just are quiet about it. I figured that someone had him, and had passed him on, but I wasn't in the know yet. (I'm special and get to know a little more about him sometimes because I'm the main writer on the blog---anyone else is welcome to write... just FYI---)

Sunday night came, we'd had our brownie sundae's AND marshmallows. ELM was finally asleep and I needed to make one last pitstop before I went to bed, because I HATE getting up in the middle of the night when we're camping. Animals are out there in the dark you know.

I got Sponged. In the BATHROOM!!! Come on. He was on the's a good thing it was dark in there otherwise I would have been a bit creeped by him watching me...

I came out of the bathroom to find some of my family out there waiting for me---hoping to hear my groan when I discovered him....

I did groan....just not loud enough. AND I did wash my hands.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More than I bargained for...

So, when RWH and CMH went on their honeymoon, they got to visit many of the same places that we visited. At one of them they were able to find a replacement Canada mug, blue with Polar Bears in white on it. When we went up to Washington for their open house, RWH gave me this replacement mug. I was personally very grateful until I realized I had recieved mre than was bargained for. A small yellow sponge was in the paper that keeps the mug in shape. He proceeded to sit under my bed for a while and then was passed on to EW.

Written by GJW

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh, Canada!!!

Apparently for some, one trip to Canada is not enough. After being found at our wedding, Spongebob found himself joining us on our honeymoon where he returned to Canada and the Seattle area. Believe it or not, he saw some of the exact same things.

We started out with a visit to Grand Coulee Dam

 and then making our way on the beautiful cascade highway, seeing the mountains, lakes, and waterfalls.

Several ferries were taken on the trip and Spongebob got to experience that too. Unfortunately, he is short and didn't see much.

For protection, Spongebob stayed behind when we did some activities (or he was forgotten...). We went on a bike ride and ended up seeing a lavender farm. Talk about purple! Lots and lots of purple!

Another thing we did was go ziplining. On one of the ziplines, we saw bigfoot! Unfortunately we were moving to fast to get a picture, but we got some of his footprints...

 Later that day Spongebob had his picture taken with the lovely Queen Victoria. She is a lot bigger than him though.

A couple places Spongebob definitely didn't want to miss were the Butterfly and Butchart Gardens.

 He loved it the first time and couldn't wait to see them again.

 With one of the pictures we were taking in the Butchart Gardens, we caught the attention of some onlookers wondering what we were doing.

Apparently CMH is similar to WTM in being able to strike up a conversation and become a friend with pretty much anyone and we started to talk with them. It was kinda fun trying to explain our new family tradition to them.

Spongebob is kinda a big city guy and really liked Seattle.

 We found a sculpture where he felt pretty at home at the bottom of the ocean...

 We also went to the zoo just outside of Seattle. Before going in, CMH and I found a little rose garden across the street and we were walking through when, there on the mailbox, was Buzz Lightyear! A little fella just like Spongebob himself. We decided the two needed a picture together before parting ways.

 Inside the zoo we found animals similar in size to Spongebob,

 and CMH had his picture taken next to a statue similar to his size. It turns out it was the same one that GJW took a picture next to.

We decided to take some pictures in the area known as the African village. The first picture we took ended up having a boy in the background with a slightly confused look. Maybe he was trying to figure out why Spongebob was in Africa.

We then took some pictures in the school, where CMH is giving Spongebob a serious look because he is such a class clown.

 The last place we visited on our way home was Dry Falls. Spongebob thought it was kinda cool to see this giant canyon where a waterfall once existed.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Music to my ears

Oh where, oh where could Spongebob be?
Oh where, oh where could he be?
With his creepy grin,
and his skateboard ride,
Oh where, oh where could he be?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Something that I might not have explained before is that if you are the one that is Spongebobed, he is then in your possession until you Spongebob someone else. This isn't just me trying to keep myself entertained here....

The last time we saw Sponge was at the wedding...and we passed him onto the new couple....

They are out on their honeymoon....

We may not see him again for awhile.....

Until then...start thinking up some ideas about where he might be found next....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

In over my head....

AWM and ELM were at Mom and Dad's house spending some time before a baby shower/luncheon.

AWM and WTM, along with their daughter of course, have recently moved to an apartment where they are also managers of some storage units. They live in the apartment, and work the office and do all the other stuff that comes with being managers. One thing that they have done that wasn't really something they were aware of when they signed up was that they have to clean and prep the units before clients move in. I guess they could leave it a mess and then lose customer satisfaction. Yep...theres a good idea.
Anyway, WTM was left to man the office and clean 3 units on Saturday all by himself.

As we were waiting for the baby shower, we were also waiting for Spongebob to make his return. EW wanted to have him for the next jump and was waiting for 'Tiger' to forfeit him. She paid the ransom....where was he???

Suddenly, AWM gets a text message from WTM...."Where's Spongebob?"
"We're waiting for him."
"I need to know if the Spongebob I have is the real deal or an evil twin."
"I was cleaning unit ### and I found Spongebob."

The only thing I could figure out was that GJW and WTM were in on this together and WTM was pulling my leg. How would any of my family members know what unit to put him into? (there's a couple hundred.) How did they know WTM was going to be cleaning out unit ### and put him in there? WTM must be trying to mess with my head.....

Or is he???

Last thing that I knew EW was in possession of the elusive Bob....although I never did see her with him, she just claimed that she had him...

Monday, July 16, 2012

A ransom was paid $$$

After an interesting evening with a good friend, EW headed home. As she got into bed, she discovered an unusal something in her pillow case... a folded piece of paper. How odd. She turned on the light and read quite the terrifying ransom note.

(I have the sponge if you aren't cooperate he dies-tiger)

What to do now? After a few days of hearing nothing from "Tiger", EW wrote a note to "Tiger". She let him know of her cooperation in the situation, and taped it to the window of who she believed to be "Tiger"- that is, GJW.

Of course, he denied knowing anything about it. It was time to take action. Dressed in a coonskin hat, with an eyepatch, and armed with some heavy Nerf artillery, EW took GJW by surprise. After some brief interrogation, he still denied any affiliation. Later that day another ransom note was recieved. This time delivered by ELM from "Tiger".

(My demands- 2 cookies in the popcorn- tiger)

Eager to save the sponge, EW popped a bag of popcorn and stuck some cookies in it. After some waiting, still no Bob. A little frustrated, she and the ladies took leave for a baby shower. EW then found the Sponge hiding in a bag! GJW later admitted that he quite enjoyed playing with EW's head. And she, being a pacifist, passed a fist in his direction... just joking. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

False Alarm

RW was just doing her thing when she received a picture on her phone from one of her roommates. Upon opening the phone she realized that Spongebob had once again returned into her life in the form of a picture.

Oh...wait...that's just a copy cat. In the form of a pinata' from Walmart....

We must be so very careful as there are Spongebob look-a-likes out there that are trying to mis-lead us into chaos.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Journey from a jar....I mean...a far....

Thursday Spongebob woke up in Seattle, Washington.  Great weather for a day at the Woodland Park Zoo.  Timing is everything at a zoo.  If you aren't there at just the right time, many of the animals will be inside and out of sight.  We timed it right.  We saw lions, and the male let everyone know he was in charge.  We saw giraffes, elephants, gorillas, wallabies, monkeys, two huge grizzly bears, elk, wolves, a gorgeous leopard and hippos.  We watched a raptures bird show, and fed tropical birds. 

Spongebob was taking a rest on GJW's shoulder and was nearly eaten by a bronze raven.

Then he had his picture taken with a Kimodo Dragon.  Does he have a disinterested look on his face?

No, not Spongebob.....the Dragon!

GJW and JTW were most interested in the Gorillas.  There were several and they were active while we were watching.  Here's another eye-spy.  Can you find him?

From Seattle to Portland to Bridal Veil Falls

This is where Bob got slugged.

And then a VERY long drive to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

So now for a little diversion.  Remember the Moose, traveling with us as Proxy for CSW?  Well, what is the first thing CSW would do at Grandma's house?  Same thing all of you do the minute you walk in the door.  You make a beeline for the _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _.

And there were no disappointments

GJW found something to do during the hot part of the day.  Some kids never grow up.  Can you find Spongbob in GJW's creation?

This is the end of the vacation travels.  But since we have been back home.....there has been a new and unusual twist to the saga. 

More to come......soon.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Little Bit of Everything

Wednesday's adventures included a quick, early morning exit from our hotel.  It was an older Travelogde in Langley.  We had to get out of there early because the "Lifetime" Network was filming part of a movie in the end of one wing of the motel.  What a random, out of the way place, with nothing very interesting anywhere nearby, for the filming of a full length movie.  Weird.

We spent most of the day in Vancouver.  Mapquest took us on the shortest route to the Aquarium.  We have this uncanny ability, no matter where we travel, to find ourselves in the scariest parts of town.  You know.....where no one who knows the area would ever go.
Yup............looked out the window and thought.....hmmm, not a very nice part of town.  Looked down at something in my lap.  Looked up, a couple blocks further.  Whoa, what are we doing here?  All the windows had bars and all the doorways had very scary looking characters.  The litter was terrible, people scrounging in garbage cans, people sitting and laying on the sidewalk.....not even sure they were all alive.  Others who were obviously strung out on something.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Even Spongebob hid in the deepest recesses of my purse for awhile.

Eventually, (traffic in Vancouver is horrible) we arrived at the City Park where we spent the afternoon at the Vancouver Aquarium.  We saw Beluga Whales, Sea Otters, all kinds of fish, sealions, porpoise, and lots of other marine creatures.  Spongebob posed with GW in front of a Walrus poster.  Then he went for a ride with Kermit.  It's an eye-spy picture.  Can you find him?

Near where we parked,  GJW and EW were in the right spot at the right time and found the ever elusive Sasquatch.  They think it's funny they outsmarted the "Squatch Hunters" on Cable TV and found him first.  (Yes, they really do watch that show.  Think it's hilarious.  Do people really have money to spend on that nonsense?  I'm incredulous.)

Just to make everyone jealous of all the gourmet meals we enjoyed during our week away.  Here's a sampling of our sumptious fare.
This is another Spongebob "eye-spy" .  Can you find him?

 Actually we did eat out a couple times.  Once was for genuine Fish and Chips in Victoria.  There wasn't anything else on the menu even.  JTW had it once for lunch............and again in the middle of the night.
(It's hard to be sharing.....4 people in one little motel room.....with someone tossing cookies in the bathroom with a door that doesn't shut tight.) 

Wednesday evening found us returning to the US.  It was almost emotional when the Border Patrolman handed back our passports, smiled and said,  Welcome home!.