We were camping.
I love camping with my family. Even though it RAINS every time. You think that I'm stretching a little bit to say that it happens "every time" but in all reality....I think it rains EVERY time. Or snows. I think we should change our last name from W_____ to Rainmakers, and go with my dad's idea to sell our services to others. You have a drought? We will bring the Rain. Call the Rainmakers, 1-800-mak-rain.
Ok. Maybe not.
I knew that Spongebob would show up sometime during the weekend. I kept waiting for him to be in the breakfast stuff, or inside a cooler, or hitchhiking when we went on little walks.
The weekend was almost over and I hadn't heard from anyone that Sponge had been discovered. Sometimes we make a big deal about it and everyone knows that he has been discovered again, but other times we just are quiet about it. I figured that someone had him, and had passed him on, but I wasn't in the know yet. (I'm special and get to know a little more about him sometimes because I'm the main writer on the blog---anyone else is welcome to write... just FYI---)
Sunday night came, we'd had our brownie sundae's AND marshmallows. ELM was finally asleep and I needed to make one last pitstop before I went to bed, because I HATE getting up in the middle of the night when we're camping. Animals are out there in the dark you know.
I got Sponged. In the BATHROOM!!! Come on. He was on the sink....it's a good thing it was dark in there otherwise I would have been a bit creeped by him watching me...
I came out of the bathroom to find some of my family out there waiting for me---hoping to hear my groan when I discovered him....
I did groan....just not loud enough. AND I did wash my hands.
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