Friday, November 16, 2012


Written by GJW

Well yeah, I got sponged.
Whenever we do plays at the high school, we have some gracious and amazing parent volunteers. They help with the costumes, the dinners for late performances, and gifts for the cast. Opening night we got nifty little Rice Crispy treats in cloth bags. Closing night, we got these jars with handles that had two little cupcakes in them. (I should have taken a picture, but the cupcakes looked sooooo good...And they were...)
I'd been expecting spongebob. When you have an event that big in our family, he's bound to show up.
Just think about it...
Weddings, vacations, Camping Trips, Parades, at all of them he shows up.
Opening night: Nothing
Saturday: Nothing
Monday: Nothing
Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Nothing (by now I was a little freaked out that he was lost during the trade)
Friday: Nothing (Now I was really freaked out)
Well it got to be closing night on Saturday. I checked my costume basket, he wasn't in there. We did our pre-show routine, went on stage and performed a great show that night. He never showed up.
After the show I walk out with my costume basket. I greet the family, give them my stuff (we had a social afterwards) and told EW to be careful with the glass cup because it was extremely...

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