Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Shoe in...

Written by LSW

LRW likes to play with the shoes at our front door and more often than not, there’s always a big mess afterwards.  We had invited everyone over to our house to celebrate JTW3’s birthday (now 6).  We love having everyone over and of course the children look forward to it as well.  We never think SpongeBob will come to us when we’re with everyone because we’re so involved with being together but Bob seems to have other ideas.

So, LRW was playing with the shoes the following day as we were getting JTW3 ready to go to school and she found him in/under our shoe rack.  JTW3 was pretty excited because he now understands what it means to be sponged. LEW made the comment that she knew about it but that CWJ had told her that she was not to say anything.  Hmmm… not sure I believe that but oh well.  We’ve been sponged and the saga continues!

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