Saturday, November 3, 2012

Messed up my routine

From JTW
When I arrive each morning at the Ogden Train Station, the Frontrunner is normally parked on the west side (far side) of the landing. It is part of my morning routine to walk up the ramp onto the landing and go into the northern most car by turning left through the sliding doors. This morning the train was parked on the east side (near side) of the landing. That required me to walk around the train, go up the ramp and enter the train by turning right. Messed up my routine.

As I crossed the tracks, there were two train hosts standing there. I went over to them and, pointing to the train, said, "Can you do something about this?" They were dumbfounded and asked me “What?”. I said, "The train is on the wrong side! It messes up my routine!" They both agreed. It had messed up their routine, too.

I normally sit on the upper deck, in the first set of benches that has a table. I can pull out my pillow and lay my head on the table and take a nap. I like the first table because there is a mechanical chase under the bench that serves as a foot rest. As I went up the stairs, there was a young woman sitting in “my space”. Messed up my routine.
JTW2 rides the Frontrunner with me every day. We sit together in at the same table. From Ogden to Salt Lake, takes about 50 minutes. I pull out my little pillow, lean forward on the table and take a nap. I take off my glasses, plug in my earphones, turn on some nice sleeping music and drape my jacket across my shoulders. That is my routine. JTW2 usually has to wake me up when we approach the train station. I have to scramble to turn off the music and re-pack everything in my backpack. When I went to grab my glass, Sponge Bob Square Pants was sitting on my glasses, messing with my routine.
Today is going to be one of those kinds of days….

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