Friday, July 13, 2012

Little Bit of Everything

Wednesday's adventures included a quick, early morning exit from our hotel.  It was an older Travelogde in Langley.  We had to get out of there early because the "Lifetime" Network was filming part of a movie in the end of one wing of the motel.  What a random, out of the way place, with nothing very interesting anywhere nearby, for the filming of a full length movie.  Weird.

We spent most of the day in Vancouver.  Mapquest took us on the shortest route to the Aquarium.  We have this uncanny ability, no matter where we travel, to find ourselves in the scariest parts of town.  You know.....where no one who knows the area would ever go.
Yup............looked out the window and thought.....hmmm, not a very nice part of town.  Looked down at something in my lap.  Looked up, a couple blocks further.  Whoa, what are we doing here?  All the windows had bars and all the doorways had very scary looking characters.  The litter was terrible, people scrounging in garbage cans, people sitting and laying on the sidewalk.....not even sure they were all alive.  Others who were obviously strung out on something.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Even Spongebob hid in the deepest recesses of my purse for awhile.

Eventually, (traffic in Vancouver is horrible) we arrived at the City Park where we spent the afternoon at the Vancouver Aquarium.  We saw Beluga Whales, Sea Otters, all kinds of fish, sealions, porpoise, and lots of other marine creatures.  Spongebob posed with GW in front of a Walrus poster.  Then he went for a ride with Kermit.  It's an eye-spy picture.  Can you find him?

Near where we parked,  GJW and EW were in the right spot at the right time and found the ever elusive Sasquatch.  They think it's funny they outsmarted the "Squatch Hunters" on Cable TV and found him first.  (Yes, they really do watch that show.  Think it's hilarious.  Do people really have money to spend on that nonsense?  I'm incredulous.)

Just to make everyone jealous of all the gourmet meals we enjoyed during our week away.  Here's a sampling of our sumptious fare.
This is another Spongebob "eye-spy" .  Can you find him?

 Actually we did eat out a couple times.  Once was for genuine Fish and Chips in Victoria.  There wasn't anything else on the menu even.  JTW had it once for lunch............and again in the middle of the night.
(It's hard to be sharing.....4 people in one little motel room.....with someone tossing cookies in the bathroom with a door that doesn't shut tight.) 

Wednesday evening found us returning to the US.  It was almost emotional when the Border Patrolman handed back our passports, smiled and said,  Welcome home!.

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