Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Completely Unaware


I have found that due to the connection between Mr. Sponge and myself I doubt the possibility that he will be discovered by myself. I suspect so many others within this game before I even entertain the idea that I will be the next to grace his presence.

My husband and myself went out for dinner, along with other members of our family. We laughed, and talked and ate good food throughout the night. Winter is coming and oftentimes I have to create reasons to escape and enjoy the outside world at times. I had been wearing my big winter coat a few times off and on since the cold weather had arrived but I had not taken the time to check my pockets. It has become almost a sense of tradition for myself to explore the contents of my winter pockets every year when I ''find'' my coat again. Once I found a $20 in my pocket. The winter after we were married, I found some mints in my pocket, some that I had put there when we were on our honeymoon in snowy Island Park the spring before.

This year, I found Spongebob. I know he wasn't there all summer long... someone was sneaky.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Written by GJW

Well yeah, I got sponged.
Whenever we do plays at the high school, we have some gracious and amazing parent volunteers. They help with the costumes, the dinners for late performances, and gifts for the cast. Opening night we got nifty little Rice Crispy treats in cloth bags. Closing night, we got these jars with handles that had two little cupcakes in them. (I should have taken a picture, but the cupcakes looked sooooo good...And they were...)
I'd been expecting spongebob. When you have an event that big in our family, he's bound to show up.
Just think about it...
Weddings, vacations, Camping Trips, Parades, at all of them he shows up.
Opening night: Nothing
Saturday: Nothing
Monday: Nothing
Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Nothing (by now I was a little freaked out that he was lost during the trade)
Friday: Nothing (Now I was really freaked out)
Well it got to be closing night on Saturday. I checked my costume basket, he wasn't in there. We did our pre-show routine, went on stage and performed a great show that night. He never showed up.
After the show I walk out with my costume basket. I greet the family, give them my stuff (we had a social afterwards) and told EW to be careful with the glass cup because it was extremely...

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Kick off your Sunday Shoes"

Written by CWJ

CWJ, KWJ, and TWJ were rushing to get out of the house.
They were late to leave for Footloose and still needed to drop off TWJ
 with AWM before they could head for the high school. CWJ picked up TWJ's
car seat and glanced around to make sure they had all they needed when her
glance rested on the little yellow figure. Sitting there on the china hutch
in front of the small statue of a couple dancing. Like he was trying to fit
himself into the small family on the shelf. Realizing he must have been there
for over a week CWJ pointed the little figure out to KWJ.
"We've been Sponged," he exclaimed.
CWJ swiped Spongebob and stuffed him in her pocket then quickly rushed
out the door. Before CWJ, KWJ, and TWJ got home that night Spongebob had already
found a "SWEET" new spot.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What Really Happened....

From RWH

So I've been busy and haven't really been keeping up with all the Spongebob stuff.  I read the post today and noticed that CW posted something regarding finding him trying peeking out of the top pocket of the key holder mounted on the wall.  Knowing EW was the last one known to have it, she totally assumed it was placed there by her.  Truth is, EW got me... 
When we came down for TWJ's baby blessing, I misplaced my ring and was frantically looking through my duffel bag trying to find it.  In the process I found Spongebob.  Sweet! I'm glad we are still included in this game. But we had to get rid of him fast so that he could stay in motion instead of making another trip to Rexburg.  He ended up spending most of the weekend in my pocket as I waited for an opportune moment to place the yellow character.  It ended up in the key holder as we were walking out the door; he just looked like the perfect little creep barely peeking over the edge. And it would be unsuspectedly able to get anyone who uses keys.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Staying afloat.

From CW
JTW told me about his “Messed up routine”…..but left out the part about being “Bobbed”. I had no idea he even had him. In the past he has not been enthusiastic about participating in this “Game”.
During the summer when the weather was hot, I got into the habit of always having a couple bottles of water chilling in the refrigerator. It makes them easy to grab on my way out the door if I need to run errands. And I always take one with me to put on my nightstand at night. Often I get an irritating tickle in my throat that wakes me up. Having a water bottle right there is sooo convenient.
On Halloween night, I had to take GJW to a party. When I returned, JTW2 and his family were there to show off the little people’s costumes and get some treats. When they left I went to the refrigerator to get my water bottle before heading off to begin my bedtime routine. I didn’t really look at it, and by the way I grabbed the bottle, I didn’t feel anything unusual. I was talking and looking at JTW as I took off the lid and raised it to my mouth. Waughhhhh! There he was……IN MY FACE….taped to the side of my bottle.
JTW thought he was pretty clever. I accused JTW2 and his family of doing the deed, but he just laughed and said, “It was me. I had him. Pretty good, huh?”
I think maybe someone might be getting into the spirit of things.

Messed up my routine

From JTW
When I arrive each morning at the Ogden Train Station, the Frontrunner is normally parked on the west side (far side) of the landing. It is part of my morning routine to walk up the ramp onto the landing and go into the northern most car by turning left through the sliding doors. This morning the train was parked on the east side (near side) of the landing. That required me to walk around the train, go up the ramp and enter the train by turning right. Messed up my routine.

As I crossed the tracks, there were two train hosts standing there. I went over to them and, pointing to the train, said, "Can you do something about this?" They were dumbfounded and asked me “What?”. I said, "The train is on the wrong side! It messes up my routine!" They both agreed. It had messed up their routine, too.

I normally sit on the upper deck, in the first set of benches that has a table. I can pull out my pillow and lay my head on the table and take a nap. I like the first table because there is a mechanical chase under the bench that serves as a foot rest. As I went up the stairs, there was a young woman sitting in “my space”. Messed up my routine.
JTW2 rides the Frontrunner with me every day. We sit together in at the same table. From Ogden to Salt Lake, takes about 50 minutes. I pull out my little pillow, lean forward on the table and take a nap. I take off my glasses, plug in my earphones, turn on some nice sleeping music and drape my jacket across my shoulders. That is my routine. JTW2 usually has to wake me up when we approach the train station. I have to scramble to turn off the music and re-pack everything in my backpack. When I went to grab my glass, Sponge Bob Square Pants was sitting on my glasses, messing with my routine.
Today is going to be one of those kinds of days….