Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I feel a disturbance....

On Monday July 2 Spongebob traveled by both land and sea.  Check out this totem pole at the Port Angeles Ferry Dock.  Can you find Spongebob? 

On the Ferry to Victoria, British Columbia.  This is not a joke. We were detained by Border Patrol as we tried to enter Canada. They confiscated our passports and held us for about 30 minutes. We had no idea what the problem was. Although, they never did tell us what their issues were........we finally determined they must have thought we were trying to smuggle in an alien. (And if you really look at Bob, you might agree) First the "cliff jumping" episode, now this. Spongebob!!! You are too much trouble. We should have left you home.

We found an evil bobblehead twin, mocking us through a plate glass window in Chinatown in downtown Victoria. The store wasn't even open yet, and no one was inside, and that bobblehead was just dancing away. Must have been able to feel some kind of vibe having one of his own so near. Creepy to say the least.


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