Thursday, July 19, 2012

In over my head....

AWM and ELM were at Mom and Dad's house spending some time before a baby shower/luncheon.

AWM and WTM, along with their daughter of course, have recently moved to an apartment where they are also managers of some storage units. They live in the apartment, and work the office and do all the other stuff that comes with being managers. One thing that they have done that wasn't really something they were aware of when they signed up was that they have to clean and prep the units before clients move in. I guess they could leave it a mess and then lose customer satisfaction. Yep...theres a good idea.
Anyway, WTM was left to man the office and clean 3 units on Saturday all by himself.

As we were waiting for the baby shower, we were also waiting for Spongebob to make his return. EW wanted to have him for the next jump and was waiting for 'Tiger' to forfeit him. She paid the ransom....where was he???

Suddenly, AWM gets a text message from WTM...."Where's Spongebob?"
"We're waiting for him."
"I need to know if the Spongebob I have is the real deal or an evil twin."
"I was cleaning unit ### and I found Spongebob."

The only thing I could figure out was that GJW and WTM were in on this together and WTM was pulling my leg. How would any of my family members know what unit to put him into? (there's a couple hundred.) How did they know WTM was going to be cleaning out unit ### and put him in there? WTM must be trying to mess with my head.....

Or is he???

Last thing that I knew EW was in possession of the elusive Bob....although I never did see her with him, she just claimed that she had him...

Monday, July 16, 2012

A ransom was paid $$$

After an interesting evening with a good friend, EW headed home. As she got into bed, she discovered an unusal something in her pillow case... a folded piece of paper. How odd. She turned on the light and read quite the terrifying ransom note.

(I have the sponge if you aren't cooperate he dies-tiger)

What to do now? After a few days of hearing nothing from "Tiger", EW wrote a note to "Tiger". She let him know of her cooperation in the situation, and taped it to the window of who she believed to be "Tiger"- that is, GJW.

Of course, he denied knowing anything about it. It was time to take action. Dressed in a coonskin hat, with an eyepatch, and armed with some heavy Nerf artillery, EW took GJW by surprise. After some brief interrogation, he still denied any affiliation. Later that day another ransom note was recieved. This time delivered by ELM from "Tiger".

(My demands- 2 cookies in the popcorn- tiger)

Eager to save the sponge, EW popped a bag of popcorn and stuck some cookies in it. After some waiting, still no Bob. A little frustrated, she and the ladies took leave for a baby shower. EW then found the Sponge hiding in a bag! GJW later admitted that he quite enjoyed playing with EW's head. And she, being a pacifist, passed a fist in his direction... just joking. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

False Alarm

RW was just doing her thing when she received a picture on her phone from one of her roommates. Upon opening the phone she realized that Spongebob had once again returned into her life in the form of a picture.

Oh...wait...that's just a copy cat. In the form of a pinata' from Walmart....

We must be so very careful as there are Spongebob look-a-likes out there that are trying to mis-lead us into chaos.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Journey from a jar....I mean...a far....

Thursday Spongebob woke up in Seattle, Washington.  Great weather for a day at the Woodland Park Zoo.  Timing is everything at a zoo.  If you aren't there at just the right time, many of the animals will be inside and out of sight.  We timed it right.  We saw lions, and the male let everyone know he was in charge.  We saw giraffes, elephants, gorillas, wallabies, monkeys, two huge grizzly bears, elk, wolves, a gorgeous leopard and hippos.  We watched a raptures bird show, and fed tropical birds. 

Spongebob was taking a rest on GJW's shoulder and was nearly eaten by a bronze raven.

Then he had his picture taken with a Kimodo Dragon.  Does he have a disinterested look on his face?

No, not Spongebob.....the Dragon!

GJW and JTW were most interested in the Gorillas.  There were several and they were active while we were watching.  Here's another eye-spy.  Can you find him?

From Seattle to Portland to Bridal Veil Falls

This is where Bob got slugged.

And then a VERY long drive to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

So now for a little diversion.  Remember the Moose, traveling with us as Proxy for CSW?  Well, what is the first thing CSW would do at Grandma's house?  Same thing all of you do the minute you walk in the door.  You make a beeline for the _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _.

And there were no disappointments

GJW found something to do during the hot part of the day.  Some kids never grow up.  Can you find Spongbob in GJW's creation?

This is the end of the vacation travels.  But since we have been back home.....there has been a new and unusual twist to the saga. 

More to come......soon.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Little Bit of Everything

Wednesday's adventures included a quick, early morning exit from our hotel.  It was an older Travelogde in Langley.  We had to get out of there early because the "Lifetime" Network was filming part of a movie in the end of one wing of the motel.  What a random, out of the way place, with nothing very interesting anywhere nearby, for the filming of a full length movie.  Weird.

We spent most of the day in Vancouver.  Mapquest took us on the shortest route to the Aquarium.  We have this uncanny ability, no matter where we travel, to find ourselves in the scariest parts of town.  You know.....where no one who knows the area would ever go.
Yup............looked out the window and thought.....hmmm, not a very nice part of town.  Looked down at something in my lap.  Looked up, a couple blocks further.  Whoa, what are we doing here?  All the windows had bars and all the doorways had very scary looking characters.  The litter was terrible, people scrounging in garbage cans, people sitting and laying on the sidewalk.....not even sure they were all alive.  Others who were obviously strung out on something.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Even Spongebob hid in the deepest recesses of my purse for awhile.

Eventually, (traffic in Vancouver is horrible) we arrived at the City Park where we spent the afternoon at the Vancouver Aquarium.  We saw Beluga Whales, Sea Otters, all kinds of fish, sealions, porpoise, and lots of other marine creatures.  Spongebob posed with GW in front of a Walrus poster.  Then he went for a ride with Kermit.  It's an eye-spy picture.  Can you find him?

Near where we parked,  GJW and EW were in the right spot at the right time and found the ever elusive Sasquatch.  They think it's funny they outsmarted the "Squatch Hunters" on Cable TV and found him first.  (Yes, they really do watch that show.  Think it's hilarious.  Do people really have money to spend on that nonsense?  I'm incredulous.)

Just to make everyone jealous of all the gourmet meals we enjoyed during our week away.  Here's a sampling of our sumptious fare.
This is another Spongebob "eye-spy" .  Can you find him?

 Actually we did eat out a couple times.  Once was for genuine Fish and Chips in Victoria.  There wasn't anything else on the menu even.  JTW had it once for lunch............and again in the middle of the night.
(It's hard to be sharing.....4 people in one little motel room.....with someone tossing cookies in the bathroom with a door that doesn't shut tight.) 

Wednesday evening found us returning to the US.  It was almost emotional when the Border Patrolman handed back our passports, smiled and said,  Welcome home!.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Adventure Continues

Just a side note. On Monday, we went whale watching.  What magnificient creatures.  Especially in their natural habitat.  It's not unreasonable to guess we had around 80 sightings.  A couple within a few feet of our boat.  Spongebob had to stay on the mainland.  Didn't want him scaring away the whales or falling overboard.....not to mention they didn't have a "cold weather" suit small enough.

On Tuesday of our Canadian adventure we went to Butchart Gardens.  Wow...........Gorgeous...........Incredible.

Have never seen so many well groomed gardens and flowers and trees and bushes.  It was beautiful.  There is a large carousel available for riding....but there was a ticket charge, so GJW, Spongebob and the moose posed on a stationery pony instead.

A few minutes later Spongebob decided to disappear into a picture.  Play "Eye-Spy" and see if you can find him in the picture with the old fashioned popcorn wagon.

If you don't know the significance of the moose accompanying the family and Spongebob, here's the story.  When we last visited Yellowstone, CSW purchased the moose as a souvenior.  He has magnets in his feet and has been hanging from the boy's metal bunkbed frame for years.  Just before leaving on our trip, GJW decided to let the moose tag along as Proxy for CSW.  He went more places than Spongebob.  We miss our missionary.  Wished he could have been with us.

Spongebob searched and searched for a four leaf clover.....but alas, it was not his lucky day. 
 Maybe you can find one.

Here's a picture that Spongebob took as we were leaving Butchart Gardens.  You just never know who might be watching you.  If you haven't heard the story about JTW and the Asians, just before our Garden adventure'll have to ask.  Pretty funny.

We spent awhile visiting a butterfly garden.  Saw hundreds of unique and exotic flutterbys.

It was so humid though, you could hardly breathe.  JTW and GJW had an encounter with a bird that was strangely obsessed with their shoes.  He just wouldn't quit pecking at them. EW let him peck at her too, (it just tickled they said), until the little feathered fiend decided to stick his long black bill up inside her pant leg.  She decided he was getting just a little too "fresh".

The end of that day was another Ferry ride.  This time through the beautiful San Juan Isalnds over to Vancouver.  I wonder what it would be like to live on a small island and have to take a boat to go shopping or to a Dr. appt., or probably even to church. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

200 what?

What is 200?
A bowling score?
Days old?
Number of holes in the sponge?
number of trades?
His shoe size?



If there was a happy Spongebob Dance I'd say go for it....
Just don't sprain your sponge.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I feel a disturbance....

On Monday July 2 Spongebob traveled by both land and sea.  Check out this totem pole at the Port Angeles Ferry Dock.  Can you find Spongebob? 

On the Ferry to Victoria, British Columbia.  This is not a joke. We were detained by Border Patrol as we tried to enter Canada. They confiscated our passports and held us for about 30 minutes. We had no idea what the problem was. Although, they never did tell us what their issues were........we finally determined they must have thought we were trying to smuggle in an alien. (And if you really look at Bob, you might agree) First the "cliff jumping" episode, now this. Spongebob!!! You are too much trouble. We should have left you home.

We found an evil bobblehead twin, mocking us through a plate glass window in Chinatown in downtown Victoria. The store wasn't even open yet, and no one was inside, and that bobblehead was just dancing away. Must have been able to feel some kind of vibe having one of his own so near. Creepy to say the least.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Spongebob Squarepants on vacation.

From Pleasant View on Friday until Sunday afternoon, Spongebob was tucked away, out of sight. Late in the day, he journeyed from sea level in Port Angeles, Washington to the top of Hurricane Ridge at 5800+ feet above sea level in Olympic National Park. At Port Angeles the sky was cloudy and gray, with an occasional sprinkle of rain. Part way up the mountain we were in pea soup fog. A cloud bank so thick you could hardly see. Then suddenly we burst into near blinding sunshine and perfectly blue skies. It was just like flying above the clouds in an airplane.

At the top we walked to an overlook. You could see forever. Spongebob got a chance to see how really big the world is. A huge difference from the confines of a cereal box. (His first home with us.)

We then noticed a trail that led to an even higher point. Since we had to scale a large snowbank and hike a moderately steep trail, Spongebob was relegated to the confines of a pocket. At the top of the higher peak, we decided he needed to pose, as if he were on top of the world. 

It's called Hurricane Ridge for a reason. Although the winds were fairly calm for us "real" people, for someone as small as Spongebob, it may have seemed to be quite a gust. Over the top and whoops..........he was gone. Watching him tumble further and further down the slope, we feared he would never stop and our Spongebob Saga would be over.

When he finally came to rest, GJW valiantly offered to retrieve him. CW was not so sure it was a wise idea, but bravely, GJW stepped up and said with confidence, "I can do this." Thankfully his efforts were successful and there were no injuries to either party involved. A safe recovery.

Safe and sound, back at the Park Lodge, we discovered that the ancient Indians that lived in the area, and carved their history into Totem poles must have had some knowledge of Spongebob. We found a wooden replica of an ancient ancestor, and Spongebob and EW posed with him. See if you don't agree there is a very strange resemblance. Personally, I thought it was a little freaky.

Watch for more adventures of Spongebob's trip to Canada.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Oh my the places he has been and the adventures......he even took a frightening fall from a precarious perch that nearly resulted in the end of the whole sponge bob saga. But GJW risked life and limb at 5800 ft. And rescued him. Whew!!! That was close!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Not sure the actual location of Spongebob.
Last I heard he was on a trip with JTW, CW, EW and GJW to the British Columbia.

They'll be back soon.