Saturday, June 23, 2012

PV Founder's Day 2012

Spongebob came home this weekend and was chilling out on the top of the piano. GJW was getting ready for the Founder's Day parade and JTW was quick on his feet, grabbed Spongebob off the top of the piano and wrapped him up in the bandanna which GJW proceeded to wrap around his neck. Preparing for the parade he tugged and pulled on that bandanna moving it around and putting it up around his face. Nothing.

Later when we were watching the parade I was anxious to see if Spongebob had been discovered. As GJW walked by we yelled to get his attention.

"Where's Spongebob?" I yelled.

I dunno!" GJW said.

"YES! You do!" several of us yelled.

GJW was confused and put his hand up to the bandanna around his neck.

"You gotta be kidding me!" he yelled.

When we returned home from the parade GJW removed his bandanna and triumphantly removed Spongebob from his stowaway hiding place.

A few minutes later....Spongebob was gone.

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