I had to get rid of Spongebob before my family went on vacation. They are going to British Columbia and we need some international work happening here.
I made an excuse and went to see my family before they left. I thought long and hard about where I could hide Spongebob so that he would not be visible right away, but would be found eventually. I was hoping that they would drive their entire trip before he was found. I thought about the cup holder in the car that collapses into the console. I thought about triple duct-taping him to the inside of the gas cap. But I eventually hid him behind the headrest of the back seat in the car. Tricky.
Mom was packing the car today for the trip and when she went to put something in the trunk, she spotted him.
I suppose it's different when you know you should be looking for him. Next time....
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
100 page views.....
Who is reading this blog????
Which Picture do you like better???
Who is reading this blog????
Which Picture do you like better???
Spongebob and Meatballs
Spongebob was sitting on the kitchen table and ELM got ahold of him while she was eating her dinner.
Spongebob has been spaghettied.
Spongebob has been spaghettied.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Glass half full kinda guy
I came home from work after a long day. So much to do and so little time to actually do all that needs to be done. I have to pack and move out of my classroom at work and I have to pack and move out of my apartment. BOTH have to be done by the middle of next week. PLUS there's a holiday in there, and a baby's birthday, and somebody needs to do some grocery shopping.
It's nights like this where I decide that my desires to learn more about cooking and work towards maybe actually being able to take some cooking classes are silly and I revert back to things like Mac n' Cheese, Fish Sticks and French Fries, Tacos, Waffles...those kind of Gourmet meals.
Tonight's main entree': Spaghetti and Meatballs. (ELM's favorite)
While preparing dinner and setting the table I opened the cupboard doors several times in search of plates, dishes, bowls but it was only when I was preparing to sit down for the dinner meal that I opened the cupboard for a cup.
Something out of character and not typical in color pattern caught my eye.
He was resting peacefully underneath a cup.
This is my first time being Spongebob'ed and yet this is only the beginning....
I have some awesome plans for the invasive Spongebob.
It's nights like this where I decide that my desires to learn more about cooking and work towards maybe actually being able to take some cooking classes are silly and I revert back to things like Mac n' Cheese, Fish Sticks and French Fries, Tacos, Waffles...those kind of Gourmet meals.
Tonight's main entree': Spaghetti and Meatballs. (ELM's favorite)
While preparing dinner and setting the table I opened the cupboard doors several times in search of plates, dishes, bowls but it was only when I was preparing to sit down for the dinner meal that I opened the cupboard for a cup.
Something out of character and not typical in color pattern caught my eye.
He was resting peacefully underneath a cup.
This is my first time being Spongebob'ed and yet this is only the beginning....
I have some awesome plans for the invasive Spongebob.
It's all gone to the cats
On Saturday, GJW went over to CWJ and KWJ's house to mow their lawn and weed their garden.
Saturday afternoon after GJW left their house, KWJ and CWJ went to the store to do some quick
shopping. Upon their arrival home CWJ decided to go through the back door so she could show KWJ what work GJW had accomplished in the yard. While walking up the back steps they passed the cat tree (which had been moved outside until it could be disassembled but has since been adopted by the neighbors cat) and CWJ noticed a peculiar fellow. Scheming as to what was to be done with this fellow was the fun part.
Saturday afternoon after GJW left their house, KWJ and CWJ went to the store to do some quick
shopping. Upon their arrival home CWJ decided to go through the back door so she could show KWJ what work GJW had accomplished in the yard. While walking up the back steps they passed the cat tree (which had been moved outside until it could be disassembled but has since been adopted by the neighbors cat) and CWJ noticed a peculiar fellow. Scheming as to what was to be done with this fellow was the fun part.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
PV Founder's Day 2012
Spongebob came home this weekend and was chilling out on the top of the piano. GJW was getting ready for the Founder's Day parade and JTW was quick on his feet, grabbed Spongebob off the top of the piano and wrapped him up in the bandanna which GJW proceeded to wrap around his neck. Preparing for the parade he tugged and pulled on that bandanna moving it around and putting it up around his face. Nothing.
Later when we were watching the parade I was anxious to see if Spongebob had been discovered. As GJW walked by we yelled to get his attention.
"Where's Spongebob?" I yelled.
I dunno!" GJW said.
"YES! You do!" several of us yelled.
GJW was confused and put his hand up to the bandanna around his neck.
"You gotta be kidding me!" he yelled.
When we returned home from the parade GJW removed his bandanna and triumphantly removed Spongebob from his stowaway hiding place.
A few minutes later....Spongebob was gone.
Later when we were watching the parade I was anxious to see if Spongebob had been discovered. As GJW walked by we yelled to get his attention.
"Where's Spongebob?" I yelled.
I dunno!" GJW said.
"YES! You do!" several of us yelled.
GJW was confused and put his hand up to the bandanna around his neck.
"You gotta be kidding me!" he yelled.
When we returned home from the parade GJW removed his bandanna and triumphantly removed Spongebob from his stowaway hiding place.
A few minutes later....Spongebob was gone.
Friday, June 22, 2012
A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words
So I thought I'd give you some insight into how Spongebob got back to Utah.
Spongebob got back to Utah, CMH got hit a couple of times. The first
time I had him taped under the handle of the driver's door on his car.
As he was in the process of unlocking his car, he found it.. Because it
had to come back to Utah though, he just gave it back to me.
Good idea? Hahaha, maybe not.
Friday morning, CMH and I stopped in Pocatello to run an errand on
our way down to Utah and I just happened to have his phone. I was
playing with it and came up with a brilliant plan. See, his phone has a
unique setting for it. It can have three different pictures as the
wallpaper and by simply sliding your finger across the phone screen you
can change the picture to see the others. However, which ever picture is
showing when it goes off is the one that shows up the next time it is
turned on. Over time, I took over the pictures on his phone, taking
pictures of me and setting them as one of the three wallpaper. There is
one that he likes more than the others and that is the picture that
usually shows up. (That detail may not seem very important, but it will
be later on in the story.)
Anyways, I guess he wasn't a big fan of one of the goofier pictures that I took, so he put one of his friend on as the wallpaper instead. Okay, so here I am, sitting by myself with Spongebob in my pocket. I sneakily pulled Spongebob out of my pocket, making sure to keep it hidden from CMH, and took a picture of it. I then set it as the third wallpaper, the one that wasn't a picture of me. I made it so his favorite picture of me was showing again so that it wouldn't be an immediate find, and then gave him back his phone.
Anyways, I guess he wasn't a big fan of one of the goofier pictures that I took, so he put one of his friend on as the wallpaper instead. Okay, so here I am, sitting by myself with Spongebob in my pocket. I sneakily pulled Spongebob out of my pocket, making sure to keep it hidden from CMH, and took a picture of it. I then set it as the third wallpaper, the one that wasn't a picture of me. I made it so his favorite picture of me was showing again so that it wouldn't be an immediate find, and then gave him back his phone.
When we got home, I placed Spongebob
in the toy basket in my room, where he was hidden for some time. I'm
not sure how he ended up on the piano, but that is where I saw him next.
Sunday came, and CMH never said anything about finding Spongebob on
his phone. He had left it on the counter in the kitchen and was nowhere
to be seen, so I checked to see if that creepy little fella was still
his wallpaper. When I turned on his phone, his favorite picture was the
one that popped up. Scrolling through the three pictures, I found that
Spongebob was still there. In an effort to make him found, I set the
other picture of me as the main wallpaper, so that he would have to
slide the page to get back to his favorite. Finally, as we were driving
home, he turned on his phone and started laughing. When I asked him
what was up, he showed me the picture of Spongebob and stated that he
wondered who did it to him. I told him that I took the picture clear
back on Friday when we were in Pocatello. He was completely clueless
that I had done it for practically three days.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Catchup by RW
okay, I never told you about my experiences with spongebob. Here they are, although it is pretty much a novel.
The first experience I had with him was with mom as the culprit. She casually laid down on my bed one day to talk with me and snuck spongebob into my covers while I wasn't paying attention. I didn't find him until later that night. As I crawled into bed, I felt something hard, cold, and square. What was this thing in my bed. I grabbed my cell phone and shone the light on it...Spongebob... Well, I wasn't going to keep him, no way was I going to be the one that had him for a long time. So I snuck downstairs, into GJW's room and placed him in a pair of white socks, which I then placed at the top of his pile, certain that he would pick that pair the next day, and went back to sleep with a content sneaky smile on my face.
Unfortunately my plan was foiled, as GJW so subconsciously set that pair of socks aside...day after day after day. My plan was taking too long. Fortunately for me, another opportunity was showing itself. It was GJW's birthday and he was out of the house. I snuck down to his room, grabbed Spongebob from the socks that had been tossed aside, and came back upstairs. I placed it in a shirt folded inside the gift bag on the table. When GJW went to try his shirt on, he was greeted by the creepy little fellow.
The second experience I had was by the genius plan of mom again, although it didn't go quite as she thought it would. She placed it in my scripture bag, thinking I would find it at church on Sunday and that it would be really funny, but my stumbling across him happened in quite a different way... See, what happened, well, I guess I should go way back to before any of this even took place; it has to do with an ingrained...obsession? Compulsion? I'm not sure which. See, I like my outfits to match from head to toe. And I was wearing this shirt see, and I just had to have the bright magenta colored socks that match it so well, nothing would suffice. I was already for the day, from head to uh, ankles, and we were kind of in a hurry because we were headed to Logan for a dance competition. Well this started the search for my socks. They weren't in my dresser and they weren't in my laundry. Well LW also has bright socks so I thought maybe she had them. I went down to her room and checked her drawer. Just in case she wore them, I searched her laundry too. I even checked the mismatch pile, but to no avail. Where were they? I had all but given up, and then I realized something else... My engagement ring was not on my finger.
Well forget the socks, where's my ring? I was pretty sure that I put it on, but it wasn't there. Maybe I didn't... Nope, not on my nightstand. Okay, time to start backtracking. I checked the bathroom, I checked the mismatch basket in the laundry room, I checked my dresser drawers, I checked my laundry basket, I checked my bed. Nope. I went downstairs and checked LW's drawers and her laundry. Nope not there either. Where could it be? Well, I put it on the nightstand in the dark, maybe I missed and it fell on the floor. I checked the floor and the boxes near it. My scripture case was on the floor next to my bed too, and I checked there. Oh my, what is this? My socks! Oh yeah, I remember! I wore them to play the organ on Sunday. There was something else in there too...Spongebob... Clever Mom, very clever. I stuck him in my pocket and continued my search for my ring.
By this time Mom recognized the frustrated/confused look on my face and as I told her that my ring was missing, she got up and immediately began to help me search. I decided to backtrack again, mom checking in my room, me going downstairs. I opened LW's sock/whites drawer and carefully shook out every item of clothing in there. Nope, not there. Perhaps, maybe, it just might be in the closet, so I began to check there too. I carefully picked up every piece of dirty laundry and shook them out. I found something shiny. Phew! I found it! The ring was found. So my searching for socks became searching for a ring, in which case I found the ring, the socks, and a bonus, just like in a cereal box, Spongebob.
Well, with that catastrophe solved and me looking absolutely definitely overly matched from top to bottom, I began plotting my next move. I knew I wanted to get LW or Mom, and I was pretty sure how I wanted to do it. I would carefully watch them and when one got up to go into the bathroom, I would follow them, without being seen, and place it on the bathroom sink while they were in the stall. Perfect.
Then, I realized an equally great opportunity had fallen at my feet. I was out in the hall talking to CMH on the phone when I saw LW enter the locker room with her dance bag. I paused my conversation with CMH and quietly followed her into the locker room. The locker room was set up with a corner you have to turn, which then opened up to three or four aisles of lockers in a line with a bench running along the bottom of them. I quietly snuck into the locker room and peeked around the corner. LW wasn't in the first aisle. I snuck over to the next one and peeked around...nope, not there either. I finally found her as I peeked around the last corner, clear on the other end of the long aisle of lockers. I patiently waited and when she had her head turned the other way, I placed Spongebob on the bench staring in her direction and quickly, but quietly, scooted out the door. I went back to my conversation with CMH and told him what I just did.
When LW was done changing, she came out of the locker room and saw me standing there on the phone. She walked over to me and smiled, pulling Spongebob out of her pocket. We both started laughing as she told me that she heard me come in and thought it was rather strange that whoever came in was being so quiet. She started to make more noise hoping that whoever else was in there would know they weren't alone. Pretty soon other girls started to come in and it wasn't quite so awkward in there. When she was done getting dressed, she packed up her stuff, and began to walk out the door. That's when she saw him, staring at him so contently at the end of the bench. She walked straight ahead until she was parallel to him, and then slowly bent down to a level where she was able to reach him, at which time she quickly grabbed him and continued to walk out. April came rolling around and I was ready to come back to school.
I thought I was done with Spongebob, at least for quite awhile. Oh, but little did I know. It turns out that once when CMH was visiting, Spongebob was just sitting on the Counter. CMH is a very "take action" kind of guy and seized this opportunity when he saw it. He took Spongebob and began to plan what he would do. One night when CMH came to pick me up for a date, he casually asked if any other roommates were home. I told him my roommate Trudie was and then went back to my room to grab a jacket. While I was back there, he called Trudie out and began to talk with her. I didn't think anything of it because CMH is friends with all of my roommates. I came back out and the two of us went on our date. When I came back, I got ready for bed and just hopped right in, thinking everything was as it usually is.
In the morning, my alarm went off and I wasn't ready to get up yet, so I turned it off and rolled over onto my stomach, putting my face in my hands. A little while later, I decided I better get up and as I lifted my head to do so, I saw Spongebob. At first it didn't completely register in my mind that he was real and I put my head back down to try to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Then it hit me. I lifted my head and there he was, staring straight at me with that creepy smile of his. I was so confused. I grabbed him and jumped out of bed and began interrogating every person I saw. The first roommate I saw was Trudie. I asked her if she put him there and she smiled and said yes, that CMH had given it to her last night and asked her to put it on my bed. After we left, she then went in my room and set him on the center of my pillow. I went to sleep never knowing that he was there until the morning. I chuckled and explained Spongebob to her. I ended up telling all of my roommates sometime during the day.
That night When CMH came over, I told him he was clever and got me good. Somebody wanted to know what I was talking about so I began to explain it to them and wanted to show her the little creep. However, when I went to get him, he was no longer there. I immediately thought it was CMH who had taken him, thinking that he was the only one in on the game. He toyed with me for a long time, never telling whether or not he really had it. Before the night was over though, he made it clear that he was not the one with Spongebob. Frustrated that I had lost him, I began to get ready for bed. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and as I opened my drawer, there he was. One of my roommates had decided to join in the fun and placed him there when I was completely unaware. I got Spongebob'ed Twice in the same day!
I'm now waiting for the opportune moment to get CMH back. Spongebob is next to my bed and greets me every morning and reminds me to do something. Don't worry, he is safe. He's just been out of the game for a while. RW
The first experience I had with him was with mom as the culprit. She casually laid down on my bed one day to talk with me and snuck spongebob into my covers while I wasn't paying attention. I didn't find him until later that night. As I crawled into bed, I felt something hard, cold, and square. What was this thing in my bed. I grabbed my cell phone and shone the light on it...Spongebob... Well, I wasn't going to keep him, no way was I going to be the one that had him for a long time. So I snuck downstairs, into GJW's room and placed him in a pair of white socks, which I then placed at the top of his pile, certain that he would pick that pair the next day, and went back to sleep with a content sneaky smile on my face.
Unfortunately my plan was foiled, as GJW so subconsciously set that pair of socks aside...day after day after day. My plan was taking too long. Fortunately for me, another opportunity was showing itself. It was GJW's birthday and he was out of the house. I snuck down to his room, grabbed Spongebob from the socks that had been tossed aside, and came back upstairs. I placed it in a shirt folded inside the gift bag on the table. When GJW went to try his shirt on, he was greeted by the creepy little fellow.
The second experience I had was by the genius plan of mom again, although it didn't go quite as she thought it would. She placed it in my scripture bag, thinking I would find it at church on Sunday and that it would be really funny, but my stumbling across him happened in quite a different way... See, what happened, well, I guess I should go way back to before any of this even took place; it has to do with an ingrained...obsession? Compulsion? I'm not sure which. See, I like my outfits to match from head to toe. And I was wearing this shirt see, and I just had to have the bright magenta colored socks that match it so well, nothing would suffice. I was already for the day, from head to uh, ankles, and we were kind of in a hurry because we were headed to Logan for a dance competition. Well this started the search for my socks. They weren't in my dresser and they weren't in my laundry. Well LW also has bright socks so I thought maybe she had them. I went down to her room and checked her drawer. Just in case she wore them, I searched her laundry too. I even checked the mismatch pile, but to no avail. Where were they? I had all but given up, and then I realized something else... My engagement ring was not on my finger.
Well forget the socks, where's my ring? I was pretty sure that I put it on, but it wasn't there. Maybe I didn't... Nope, not on my nightstand. Okay, time to start backtracking. I checked the bathroom, I checked the mismatch basket in the laundry room, I checked my dresser drawers, I checked my laundry basket, I checked my bed. Nope. I went downstairs and checked LW's drawers and her laundry. Nope not there either. Where could it be? Well, I put it on the nightstand in the dark, maybe I missed and it fell on the floor. I checked the floor and the boxes near it. My scripture case was on the floor next to my bed too, and I checked there. Oh my, what is this? My socks! Oh yeah, I remember! I wore them to play the organ on Sunday. There was something else in there too...Spongebob... Clever Mom, very clever. I stuck him in my pocket and continued my search for my ring.
By this time Mom recognized the frustrated/confused look on my face and as I told her that my ring was missing, she got up and immediately began to help me search. I decided to backtrack again, mom checking in my room, me going downstairs. I opened LW's sock/whites drawer and carefully shook out every item of clothing in there. Nope, not there. Perhaps, maybe, it just might be in the closet, so I began to check there too. I carefully picked up every piece of dirty laundry and shook them out. I found something shiny. Phew! I found it! The ring was found. So my searching for socks became searching for a ring, in which case I found the ring, the socks, and a bonus, just like in a cereal box, Spongebob.
Well, with that catastrophe solved and me looking absolutely definitely overly matched from top to bottom, I began plotting my next move. I knew I wanted to get LW or Mom, and I was pretty sure how I wanted to do it. I would carefully watch them and when one got up to go into the bathroom, I would follow them, without being seen, and place it on the bathroom sink while they were in the stall. Perfect.
Then, I realized an equally great opportunity had fallen at my feet. I was out in the hall talking to CMH on the phone when I saw LW enter the locker room with her dance bag. I paused my conversation with CMH and quietly followed her into the locker room. The locker room was set up with a corner you have to turn, which then opened up to three or four aisles of lockers in a line with a bench running along the bottom of them. I quietly snuck into the locker room and peeked around the corner. LW wasn't in the first aisle. I snuck over to the next one and peeked around...nope, not there either. I finally found her as I peeked around the last corner, clear on the other end of the long aisle of lockers. I patiently waited and when she had her head turned the other way, I placed Spongebob on the bench staring in her direction and quickly, but quietly, scooted out the door. I went back to my conversation with CMH and told him what I just did.
When LW was done changing, she came out of the locker room and saw me standing there on the phone. She walked over to me and smiled, pulling Spongebob out of her pocket. We both started laughing as she told me that she heard me come in and thought it was rather strange that whoever came in was being so quiet. She started to make more noise hoping that whoever else was in there would know they weren't alone. Pretty soon other girls started to come in and it wasn't quite so awkward in there. When she was done getting dressed, she packed up her stuff, and began to walk out the door. That's when she saw him, staring at him so contently at the end of the bench. She walked straight ahead until she was parallel to him, and then slowly bent down to a level where she was able to reach him, at which time she quickly grabbed him and continued to walk out. April came rolling around and I was ready to come back to school.
I thought I was done with Spongebob, at least for quite awhile. Oh, but little did I know. It turns out that once when CMH was visiting, Spongebob was just sitting on the Counter. CMH is a very "take action" kind of guy and seized this opportunity when he saw it. He took Spongebob and began to plan what he would do. One night when CMH came to pick me up for a date, he casually asked if any other roommates were home. I told him my roommate Trudie was and then went back to my room to grab a jacket. While I was back there, he called Trudie out and began to talk with her. I didn't think anything of it because CMH is friends with all of my roommates. I came back out and the two of us went on our date. When I came back, I got ready for bed and just hopped right in, thinking everything was as it usually is.
In the morning, my alarm went off and I wasn't ready to get up yet, so I turned it off and rolled over onto my stomach, putting my face in my hands. A little while later, I decided I better get up and as I lifted my head to do so, I saw Spongebob. At first it didn't completely register in my mind that he was real and I put my head back down to try to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Then it hit me. I lifted my head and there he was, staring straight at me with that creepy smile of his. I was so confused. I grabbed him and jumped out of bed and began interrogating every person I saw. The first roommate I saw was Trudie. I asked her if she put him there and she smiled and said yes, that CMH had given it to her last night and asked her to put it on my bed. After we left, she then went in my room and set him on the center of my pillow. I went to sleep never knowing that he was there until the morning. I chuckled and explained Spongebob to her. I ended up telling all of my roommates sometime during the day.
That night When CMH came over, I told him he was clever and got me good. Somebody wanted to know what I was talking about so I began to explain it to them and wanted to show her the little creep. However, when I went to get him, he was no longer there. I immediately thought it was CMH who had taken him, thinking that he was the only one in on the game. He toyed with me for a long time, never telling whether or not he really had it. Before the night was over though, he made it clear that he was not the one with Spongebob. Frustrated that I had lost him, I began to get ready for bed. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and as I opened my drawer, there he was. One of my roommates had decided to join in the fun and placed him there when I was completely unaware. I got Spongebob'ed Twice in the same day!
I'm now waiting for the opportune moment to get CMH back. Spongebob is next to my bed and greets me every morning and reminds me to do something. Don't worry, he is safe. He's just been out of the game for a while. RW
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