Monday, September 24, 2012

Journey's of a Bob Man

From CW
After a Friday evening in SLC with AWM and WTM, Spongebob showed up on the seat of the JTW's Grand Prix.  JTW nearly sat on him, but didn't notice.  JTW had earlier removed his tie and left it on the console.  CW slipped Spongebob into the folded tie.  Upon arriving home, JTW exited the car, but left his tie behnd.  Saturday came and went, and even with a trip to the store, the tie remained in the car.  Sunday morning when JTW got into the car to go to church, he already had a different tie he left the one on the console undisturbed.  Pulling into the garage after church, CW reminded JTW to take his tie into the house.  Picking it up.........Spongebob flew into the catch all.  JTW rolled his eyes.  He's just so "not into" this game.  CW informed him that he needed to be creative and pass it on.
Monday Sept. 17th was Constitution Day and GJW had to dress up for a choir performance at school.  On the way to school he realized he needed his tennis shoes for dance practice after school and CW agreed to meet him in the parking lot at 2:35.  JTW had stayed home from work that day.  Just before time to go to the school, a guest arrived.  While CW was visiting with the guest, JTW took GJW's tennis shoes to the car, then encouraged CW to head for the school so as to not be late.  That was a rather odd behavior for JTW, but CW dismissed it as a simple act of courtesy.
GJW  hurried to the car after school.  He had to get back to the auditorium "fast" for play rehearsal.  He threw his back pack into the car.  Kicked off his dress shoes and chucked them in as well, grabbed one tennis shoe and attempted to quickly shove his foot into it when he exclaimed,  "What's in there......?  Pulling his foot back out and tipping his shoe, out fell Bob.  GJW tossed him in the pocket of his backpack where he spent the remainder of the week.
GJW doesn't have him anymore.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peach Days

We were so excited for Peach Days again this year.


We were so excited for the Peach Days Car Show.

That's the only part I like.

And the Peaches. :)

I got SPONGED again.

I thought that GJW had him and was going to pass him on to someone else, well he did, to ELM.

I found Spongebob under ELM in her carseat.

Spongebob became a little more cultured this weekend as we saw many a beautiful old of my favorite things.

I have the Sponge. So beware-----


So my littlest brother GJW came over to our house on Saturday. He's a coin collector and he was looking through some coins that we have at our house to see if we have any of the coins that he doesn't have.

I grabbed the Sponge and slipped him into the little box that he was holding all of his coins in. PERFECT FIT!!! wait. Hoping that he wouldn't open the box again until he got home to show mom and dad then BAM---

Took him home.


Took him inside.


Opened the box.




We were camping.

I love camping with my family. Even though it RAINS every time. You think that I'm stretching a little bit to say that it happens "every time" but in all reality....I think it rains EVERY time. Or snows. I think we should change our last name from W_____ to Rainmakers, and go with my dad's idea to sell our services to others. You have a drought? We will bring the Rain. Call the Rainmakers, 1-800-mak-rain.

Ok. Maybe not.

I knew that Spongebob would show up sometime during the weekend. I kept waiting for him to be in the breakfast stuff, or inside a cooler, or hitchhiking when we went on little walks.

The weekend was almost over and I hadn't heard from anyone that Sponge had been discovered. Sometimes we make a big deal about it and everyone knows that he has been discovered again, but other times we just are quiet about it. I figured that someone had him, and had passed him on, but I wasn't in the know yet. (I'm special and get to know a little more about him sometimes because I'm the main writer on the blog---anyone else is welcome to write... just FYI---)

Sunday night came, we'd had our brownie sundae's AND marshmallows. ELM was finally asleep and I needed to make one last pitstop before I went to bed, because I HATE getting up in the middle of the night when we're camping. Animals are out there in the dark you know.

I got Sponged. In the BATHROOM!!! Come on. He was on the's a good thing it was dark in there otherwise I would have been a bit creeped by him watching me...

I came out of the bathroom to find some of my family out there waiting for me---hoping to hear my groan when I discovered him....

I did groan....just not loud enough. AND I did wash my hands.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More than I bargained for...

So, when RWH and CMH went on their honeymoon, they got to visit many of the same places that we visited. At one of them they were able to find a replacement Canada mug, blue with Polar Bears in white on it. When we went up to Washington for their open house, RWH gave me this replacement mug. I was personally very grateful until I realized I had recieved mre than was bargained for. A small yellow sponge was in the paper that keeps the mug in shape. He proceeded to sit under my bed for a while and then was passed on to EW.

Written by GJW