Thursday, October 11, 2012

A New Generation

We got Sponged!
I (LSW) will admit that I was afraid we weren’t going to be included because of our last sponging fiasco but I guess we’re still loved!
It all happened when CW dropped  by somewhat unexpectedly to drop off some lovely produce.  She then asked for a drink in the kitchen which I thought was kind of odd but when she explained she had been out all morning I chalked it up to that.  Nothing came of it until….
JTW (#3) is responsible for setting the table on certain days of the week and it just so happened that it was his day.  He is an awesome helper and does his jobs with enthusiasm (most of the time) and without much supervision.  So, in order to set the table one has to have plates, cups, and silverware right?  It just so happens that in our house everything is in the same general area making it easy to get everything at the same time.  JTW (#3) pulled out a stool to reach the cupboard and as he was pulling out plates, started laughing and saying “Mom, what is this?!”  I turned to him and found him holding—you guessed it—SpongeBob!  Now JTW (#3) hasn’t had any real exposure to him previously and we don’t care for the cartoon either so I had to explain to him a little what it was and what it represented in such a way that a young child can understand.  This is what I told him:
“That is SpongeBob.  And Grandmom must have slipped him in the cupboard when she came by earlier today. (I know we aren’t supposed to tell but it was necessary for him to understand)  It all started a while ago but now it’s just a fun thing that the family does to show someone that they are loved and that someone is thinking about them.”
He seemed to buy this but then asked, “So, if I love someone and I want them to know, I give them a SpongeBob instead of a hug?”  Now you can see where I failed in thougroughly explaining.  So, I began by again explaining that it was just a family thing and sometimes you just can’t give a hug all the time so it’s a nice reminder even when that person is not there that you are still loved. (I really hope this explanation is ok with all of you).  The light bulb went on and he got the concept.
He then decided that he wanted to hide it for JTW (#2) to find when he got home from work.
More to come!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trying to Hitchhike

I knew EW had Spongebob. I suspected she would pass it on to one of her local siblings. We have a new key holder mounted on the wall near the back door. At the top there is a slot for coupons and gift cards. I don’t know how long he had been there, but one day as I went to grab the keys, my eyes wandered upward and there, barely peeking out, with only his eyes and hat visible ……you guessed it….Spongebob.
Tired of him lurking around my house…..I decided he was going somewhere else for awhile.

Missing Link

Spongebob was discovered by EW.

She's super busy, so when she has the time I'll replace this post with the story. :)