Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh, Canada!!!

Apparently for some, one trip to Canada is not enough. After being found at our wedding, Spongebob found himself joining us on our honeymoon where he returned to Canada and the Seattle area. Believe it or not, he saw some of the exact same things.

We started out with a visit to Grand Coulee Dam

 and then making our way on the beautiful cascade highway, seeing the mountains, lakes, and waterfalls.

Several ferries were taken on the trip and Spongebob got to experience that too. Unfortunately, he is short and didn't see much.

For protection, Spongebob stayed behind when we did some activities (or he was forgotten...). We went on a bike ride and ended up seeing a lavender farm. Talk about purple! Lots and lots of purple!

Another thing we did was go ziplining. On one of the ziplines, we saw bigfoot! Unfortunately we were moving to fast to get a picture, but we got some of his footprints...

 Later that day Spongebob had his picture taken with the lovely Queen Victoria. She is a lot bigger than him though.

A couple places Spongebob definitely didn't want to miss were the Butterfly and Butchart Gardens.

 He loved it the first time and couldn't wait to see them again.

 With one of the pictures we were taking in the Butchart Gardens, we caught the attention of some onlookers wondering what we were doing.

Apparently CMH is similar to WTM in being able to strike up a conversation and become a friend with pretty much anyone and we started to talk with them. It was kinda fun trying to explain our new family tradition to them.

Spongebob is kinda a big city guy and really liked Seattle.

 We found a sculpture where he felt pretty at home at the bottom of the ocean...

 We also went to the zoo just outside of Seattle. Before going in, CMH and I found a little rose garden across the street and we were walking through when, there on the mailbox, was Buzz Lightyear! A little fella just like Spongebob himself. We decided the two needed a picture together before parting ways.

 Inside the zoo we found animals similar in size to Spongebob,

 and CMH had his picture taken next to a statue similar to his size. It turns out it was the same one that GJW took a picture next to.

We decided to take some pictures in the area known as the African village. The first picture we took ended up having a boy in the background with a slightly confused look. Maybe he was trying to figure out why Spongebob was in Africa.

We then took some pictures in the school, where CMH is giving Spongebob a serious look because he is such a class clown.

 The last place we visited on our way home was Dry Falls. Spongebob thought it was kinda cool to see this giant canyon where a waterfall once existed.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Music to my ears

Oh where, oh where could Spongebob be?
Oh where, oh where could he be?
With his creepy grin,
and his skateboard ride,
Oh where, oh where could he be?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Something that I might not have explained before is that if you are the one that is Spongebobed, he is then in your possession until you Spongebob someone else. This isn't just me trying to keep myself entertained here....

The last time we saw Sponge was at the wedding...and we passed him onto the new couple....

They are out on their honeymoon....

We may not see him again for awhile.....

Until then...start thinking up some ideas about where he might be found next....