Friday, July 12, 2013

A bit behind the game...

After spending a few weeks waaaaay south of the Border, he has returned.
EPIPHANY!!!!!   I know why SpongeBob has that weird zoned out look on his face all the time.  Should have recognized it sooner.  He was discovered hitching a ride in our Missionary Bag sneaking into Addiction Recovery Meetings.  Hope it did him some good.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Let's make one thing PERFECTLY clear, little interloper (definition: one who intrudes in a place or situation).  
and I mean 
gets to share my feather pillows, except JTW. 
'Nuf said.


AWM invited me to attend her Stake womens conference.
After listening to three wonderful speakers there was lunch.
After getting our food and sitting to eat I became
aware of a tugging sensation on my chair.
I looked over and AWM was pulling on my purse.
I asked her what she was up to.
She gave me a sheepish smile and answered with a nothing.
I knew then I had a hitch-hiker.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year. :)

So WTM turned 26 in December. He's old AWM (his wife). She likes to say that because her birthday is actually before his and she likes to give him a hard time about marrying an older woman...okay so it's only a few months but still, older. :)

WTM and CMH have some things in common. One thing that they have in common is a love of learning. CMH just graduated from school at BYUIdaho. (WOOT!) and WTM just loves to learn. So CMH gave WTM some of his college textbooks as a birthday present. Among the pages....and some other small items, Spongebob was discovered.

ALSO...among the Christmas festivities another Bob was found. This one is riding a surfboard and is upside down with his creepy feet flying behind him. He's worse than the original. But fun to see that this family tradition is growing.

It's been awhile since Sponge has been in action. Actually WTM left him in one of his pockets that didn't get emptied before taking a turn in the washer/dryer and he is now a squeeky sponge.

And then he got lost.

And then we found his double again.

And then we found him again.

And then, We got rid of him. :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gunna wash that Bob right outta my hair

I don't think anyone ever expects to be greeted by the little square yellow figure, but alas, CMH and I have been graced by his presence.  I don't know whether it was mom or dad because they both used our bathroom while they were up here, but one of them put him in our shower where he rested in suspense for the next morning to approach.  CMH found him as he was grabbing the shampoo bottle to lather up.  Such horror having one of the greatest private rituals of the day be intruded by a peeping "Bob".

So we have Spongebob for the time being, but it won't last.  For all of those headed to Grandma's in the near future, beware....

Merry Christmas from the three of us... ;-)

Pistachio and Maraschino Bob

So, I (CW) like to try new taste sensations.  Especially if they are sweet and gooey and taste good.  AWM is a great cook and always trying out new dessert recipes.  She posted a picture on Facebook of a Pistachio Bundt Cake that looked awesome.  When I saw the picture, I thought.  "Yummm, I'd like to try that." 

She must have read my mind, because a day or so later, when I came home from shopping there was a reasonable sized (AWM knows I don't like to sabotage my weight management program....such as it is....or isn't, on any given day) slice of cake sitting on a plate on my kitchen counter.  When I looked at it I noticed there were maraschino cherries in it.

I have loved maraschino cherries since I was about 4 when my dad bought me my first banana split and it had one on top of each of the three scoops of ice cream.  They were nesting perfectly in a swirl of snowy white whipped cream, and they even had the stems sticking out.  (That's was a veritable taste sensation for a 4 year old. However, I think my dad bought it for me, knowing full well that no 4 year old tummy can accommodate THAT much ice cream and 3 different toppings, whipped cream, nuts, AND 3 bright red maraschino cherries.  He willingly took care of the larger portion.  And back in those days, a Dairy Queen Banana Split was HUGE.)
Anyway, back to the Pistachio Cake.

Since there was only one piece, and EW AND GJW would be coming home from school soon, and I was kinda excited to try Pistachio and Maraschino looked quite Christmasy even.....I didn't waste any time getting a fork from the drawer.  This was my cake and I was going to savor every bite.

So, I picked up the little plate, held it up near my chin so as not to lose even a single crumb, and gently slid my fork in to ease off a bite size piece.  Pulling the bite away from the rest of the piece of cake..............WHAT THE HECK??????

THAT'S NOT MARASCHINO CHERRY!!!!!!! IT'S.....IT'S Skateboard wheels!!!!!
I'll give you one guess WHO?....not what is was.   
MAJOR disappointment.  No cherries.......but the cake was delicious anyway.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Messing with your mind

I guess I got some 'splaning to do.
I have this thing where I like to mess with people's minds.

Don't believe me? Remember the whole Tiger episode from July?

All me.

Remember the Peach Days entry from September, when AWM thought she pawned him off of me?

All me.

Remember that time when AWM thought she was free of him for a few months? Then she found him, the same place as the month before?

All me.

I've warned you...